JHL -Jacques-Henri Lartigue-

Luigi Ghirri & Jacques-Henri Lartigue


Publisher/Edizioni Essegi

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/99   Size/300*240*10
A photobook by Jack-Henri Lartigue, edited by Italian photographer Luigi Gilli. Luigi Gilli cut a piece of everyday life, created an "image" from a single thing, and spent his life exploring creativity through photography. Published in 1978, the photo book "Kodachrome" is fascinated by the unique and conceptual illustrations in addition to the beauty of "coloring" and "composition", and is said to be a masterpiece in photographic history. Since the 1980s, Gilli has established a publisher specializing in photo books with each other to help introduce photographers in Europe and the United States and publish photo books. This book is a collection of photographs published at the exhibition of the great French amateur photographer Jacques-Henri Lartigue, curated by Gilli. Although many publications have been published by Lartigue, this book by Gilli's book simply and brilliantly shows Lartigue's charm in portraying the elegant French lifestyle and active scenes. It is expressed, and the direction of the illustration is also wonderful.
<Related Artists> Luigi GhirriJacque-Henri Lartigue
<Condition> Jacket: Front cover / Small stain / Thin discoloration Body: Heaven / Ground / Small discoloration / Small stain, etc.