Dorothea Lange American Photographs

Dorothea Lange

¥3,300(¥3,000 + tax)

Publisher/Chronicle Books

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/192   Size/243*255*25
"Dorothea Lange American Photographs", a collection of works by American female photographer Dorothea Lange (1895-1965). Dorothea Lange is a pioneer of American female photojournalist who has been active since before the war, along with Margaret Bourke White and others. After the Great Depression, he was a member of the FSA project, led by economist Roy Stryker and many other photographers, to appeal to the harsh agricultural situation in the United States. Alongside his wife, Allie Mae Burroughs, Lang's Migrant Mother was described as the project's masterpiece. He was a journalist who was devoted to portraying the tragic reality of American country towns, and was also a true documentalist who detailed the drama of the people behind him. This book is a collection of catalog works published at the exhibition held at the Museum of Modern Art (SFMoMA) in 1994, and includes texts by curator Sandra Phillips and former MoMA photography director John Szarkowski. It is posted.
<Related Artists> Dorothea LangeWalker Evans
<Condition> Good.