Bastard Countryside

Robin Friend


Publisher/Loose Joints

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/243*275*15
"Bastard Countryside", a collection of works by British photographer Robin Friend. Born in London in 1983, moved to Melbourne, Australia as a child. Robin Friend is currently based in Lewis, South of London. A friend who has exhibited at the National Gallery and the Royal Academy of Arts has been shooting the landscape of the local England for over 15 years, and this work is the first book. "Consideration of the delicate relationship between humans and nature", "modern England" that uniquely interweaves natural and artificial elements is depicted through the landscape. It shows the negative legacy of industrial and civilization, such as rotting mines, beach freighters, empty slaughterhouses, and whales that have lost their lives due to pollution. I did. Looking at these realities, from things that seem difficult to regenerate to things that can survive depending on human hands, do we suggest what kind of actions humans should take in the future? It is a group of works like.
<Related Artists> Alec Soth
<Condition> Very good.