Children of Japan


¥27,500(¥25,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/256   Size/200*265*20
This book is a photo book "Children of Japan" published by Asahi Shimbun in 1936. It was produced for the outside world, and the text is written in both English and German. As the title suggests, monochrome illustrations with the motif of "children" are recorded, and by depicting the educational environment at school, the content seems to appeal to children living safely and the Japanese nation enthusiastic about education. It is summarized. In the same series as "Japan A Pictorial Interpretation", "Changing Japan Seen Through The Camera", "Manchoukuo A Pictorial Record", etc. published at the same time, let's actively engage in external activities and promote Japan. It seems that there was probably the will of the Japanese nation. The cover and spread design and illustrations are also wonderful, and although there are no photo credits, there are many rich works reminiscent of Ihei Kimura.
<Related Artists> 木村 伊兵衛 / Ihei Kimura
<Condition> Good.