Bill Henson(Unopened)

Bill Henson


Publisher/National Gallery of Victoria

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/308*308*20
A collection of works by Bill Henson, one of Australia's leading photographers. Bill Henson has been energetically publishing collections of works such as "1985", "Particle Mist" and "Kindertotenlieder" from London's independent publisher "Stanley Baker", which publishes high-quality photo books. Reality and unreality are mixed in a style that creates a fantastic and fascinating aspect in a somewhat dark tone while interweaving the images of schoolgirls and ballet dancers, nudes of men and women, snaps of crowds, and even interiors and landscapes. There is something that draws you into your own unique world view. This book is a large-format collection of works published at the National Gallery of Victoria in Australia in 2017, and contains the latest works taken within the last 10 years. As always, the nudity of men and women is interwoven with magnificent landscapes, architecture, sculpture, and painting to create a wonderful world where classical and modernism intersect. New unopened.
<Related Artists> Bill Henson
<Condition> New, unopened.