RFK Funeral Train(Hardcover, Signed)

Paul Fusco


Publisher/Umbrage Editions

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/125   Size/185*285*15
"RFK Funeral Train", a collection of works by American photographer Paul Fusco. Born in Massachusetts in 1930, he served in the Korean War for two years from 1951, and after the war he studied photojournalism at Ohio University in earnest. Fusco has been working for "Look" since the 1960s and has been a member of Magnum Photos since the 1970s. This book is a documentary that shows people attending the road from a train carrying the casket of Robert Bobby Kennedy, the younger brother of the 35th President of the United States John F. Kennedy. Robert was assassinated after his speech while running for president. The coffin will be transported by train from New York to Washington, DC, and along the railroad tracks on which the train runs, not only blacks and whites but also a wide variety of races and people will meet and wave their hands. , Raise the national flag, salute and weep. It may have been because of Robert, who has been working to eliminate racial discrimination since he was a secretary. For various reasons, the illustrations taken at that time were not announced immediately, but were first unveiled before 2000 after more than 30 years. This is the Trade Edition published by Magnum following the limited edition of 350 copies in 1999. Hardcover version. Autographed by a photographer .
<Related Artists> Paul Fusco
<Condition> Very good.