視覚言語 / Language of Vision 絵画・写真・広告デザインへの手引き(Second Edition)

ジョージ・ケペッシュ / Gyorgy Kepes



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/201   Size/295*210*10
A collection of works by George Kepes, an artist and art educator from Hungary, "Language of Vision: Guide to Painting, Photography and Advertising Design (Second Edition)". This book was published in 1944 by Kepes, a professor at New Bowhouse in Chicago, Yasuhiro Ishimoto's alma mater, and later in the Department of Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Japan. Translated version. This is an attempt to establish the function of visual rule by extensively analyzing the structure and function of graphic images in painting, photography, and advertising design. There are 318 illustrations including photograms, montages, collages, typography, etc., including works by famous artists such as Picasso, Matisse, Kandianski, and Herbert Bayer. This is a guidebook for people involved in visual design. This is the second edition published in 1981, following the Japanese translation and first edition in 1973.
<Related Artists> ヨハネス・イッテン / Johannes Itten
<Condition> Good.