白い、白い日 -アルセーニイ・タルコフスキー詩集(Second Printing)

鈴木 理策 & 前田 和泉 / Risaku Suzuki & Izumi Maeda



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/90   Size/185*205*13
This book is a collection of works "White, White Day", in which the poetry of Russian poet Arseny Alexandrovich Tarkovsky (1907-1989) is accompanied by a photograph of Japan's leading photographer Risaku Suzuki. As you can imagine from the name, Arseny is one of Russia's leading film directors and has left behind numerous masterpieces full of visual beauty, including "Planet Solaris", "Mirror", "Stalker" and "Nostalgia". Andrei Tarkovsky's father. Despite the misfortune of losing his left leg due to an injury during World War II, he has published numerous poetry collections since the 1960s. Famous for "Before it snows," "What's on the ground," and "Being yourself," he passed away in 1989 at a hospital in the suburbs of Moscow after working for more than 20 years. This book contains 25 episodes from the scenario title of the movie "Mirror", "White Day" to "Will Andrei Tarkovsky". Second printing. Obi missing.
<Related Artists> 鈴木 理策 / Risaku SuzukiAndrey Tarkovsky
<Condition> Good. Missing obi-band.