Fuck Me

Josh Kern


Publisher/Dienacht Publishing

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/196   Size/105*150*20
"Fuck Me", a collection of works by German photographer Josh Kahn. Currently based in Dortmund, Josh Khan is working as a publisher who publishes his own collection of works while making assignments, and also continues to take personal photographs centered on his girlfriend. Having been skateboarding, I became absorbed in photography and continued to take intimate snapshots and portraits centered on my lovers and friends. The style is reminiscent of Nan Goldin and Larry Clark in the olden days, and Ryan McGinley and Chad Moore in modern interpretation. This is Khan's first book, which has a small paperback style, but incorporates handwritten texts and memos reminiscent of a personal image from the beginning, and beautifully depicts the lifestyle of young people in color. Limited to 1250 copies.
<Related Artists> Ryan McginleyChad Moore
<Condition> Very good.