Le Corbusier Moments in the Life of a Great Architect(With Print)

Rene Burri


Publisher/Birkhäuser Architecture

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/181   Size/235*298*20
Swiss-born Magnum Photos photographer René Burri's photo book "Le Corbusier Moments in the Life of a Great Architect (With Print)". He has been active as a photojournalist since the 1950s and has left famous portrait works such as portraits of Che Guevara, while he has close relationships with artists such as Picasso and Jecometti, and their portraits and atelier are exquisitely distant. Rene Burri, who was also active as a photo artist. This book is a collection of photographs of works by René Burri, who frequently visited the great architect Le Corbusier when he was young, and included works of production, site scenery, and portraits. A collection of stories by architect Le Corbusier, selected from more than 3,000 Corbusier archives owned by Le Corbusier, including a plan view of Villa Savoye designed by Le Corbusier and photographs of the atelier apartment. A masterpiece of artist works and photo books that summarizes the lives and romance of great architects and photographers. It is also accompanied by the text of Arthur Le Corbusier, a leading researcher in Corbusier. (Promotional print included)
<Related Artists> Rene Burri
<Condition> Very good.