スクラップブック アンリ・カルティエ・ブレッソン写真帖

Henri Cartier-Bresson



Format/ハードカバー&スリップケース   Pages/263   Size/283*330*30
Henri Cartier-Bresson's collection of works by Henri Cartier-Bresson, a leading French photographer of the 20th century, "Scrapbook Henri Cartier-Bresson Photo Album". "Image a la Sauvette / The Decisive Moment" is located on the cover of Henri Matisse's paintings, at the pinnacle of Bresson's and 20th-century photobooks. A solid composition that does not require trimming, artistic beauty, and one of the best senses of a journalist who can sniff out political, economic, and religious issues around the world. Bresson set up his camera in the middle of his life and devoted himself to painting in posterity. This book is a collection of all the "scrapbooks" that Bresson himself prepared for the large exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in 1947.
<Related Artists> Henri Cartier-Bresson
<Condition> Good.