「Mother's」から「ひろしまへ」 石内都写真展 第11回ドキュメンタリーフォトフェスティバル宮崎(Signed)

石内 都 / Miyako Ishiuchi



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/57   Size/183*258*8
This book is a collection of catalog works published in January 2011 at the "11th Documentary Photo Festival Miyazaki Ishiuchi Photo Exhibition". This exhibition simultaneously exhibited "Mother's" and "Hiroshima", the masterpieces of the "close-up series" from the middle of Ishiuchi, which are recorded in memory and talk to the present and future. A photographer's journey from "Mother's", which began with a personal conversation, to the public "Hiroshima". Ishiuchi states: "Photographs cannot take the past. Photographs only show the distance to the world in front of us. Distance is like the basis of photography where physical distance and conceptual distance intersect. It can be said that how to measure the distance is what a photographer should be. There is a unique sense of beauty in it and invites you to the pleasure of photography. Mother's and Hiroshima are photographs that were established while maintaining the same level of path. " .. Autographed by a photographer .
<Related Artists> 石内 都 / Miyako Ishiuchi
<Condition> Very good.