
高田 美 & 小島 亮一 / Yoshi Takata & Ryoichi Kojima



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/217   Size/155*215*18
Photobook "Signed" by Japanese female photographer Mi Takada. Mayuko Takata, a family member of Takata Shokai, one of the three major traders of the Meiji era, and a relative of actress Mayuko Takata. In 1947, he joined the Tokyo branch of Agence France-Presse as an interpreter and assistant, entered the world of journalists, and moved to France after leaving the company in 1954. When Ihei Kimura visited Paris, he was assigned as an interpreter, and Kimura recommended that he take a picture, which is why he got the camera. While working for Japanese newspapers and magazines, it was Takada who interacted with leading French photographers such as Bresson, Brassai and Doisneau, and introduced them to Japan for the first time. While working as a photographer by holding photo exhibitions in Tokyo, Paris, and the United States, he has also been seen by fashion designer Pierre Cardin and is also active as Cardin's right arm. This book is a collection of works published in 1973, and is a "Paris Guide" that introduces the charm of Paris, with newspaper reporter Ryoichi Kojima carrying the text and plates taken by Takada. Approximately 100 pages in the first half are plates and over 100 pages in the second half are texts, and camera magazines also praise Takada's work. Autographed by a photographer .
<Related Artists> 高田 美 / Yoshi Takata
<Condition> Good with some wear.