Josef Sudek

Josef Sudek


Publisher/Gina Kehayoff

Format/ハードカバー&スリップケース   Pages/405   Size/268*345*35
A collection of photographs by Czech photographer Josef Sudek. Born in Kolin, Bohemia, to a painter's father, Sudek began studying photography on his own after training as a bookbinding company, and is an indispensable artist in the Czech art scene, which has been active since before the war. .. He lost his right arm when he served in World War I, and after returning to Japan, he carried a tripod on one arm and made a name for himself in advertising photographs and architectural photographs of the streets and architecture of Prague. He has left behind many masterpieces of landscape and still life photography inspired by nature. In 1956, Sudek published "Fotografie", which is regarded as one of the best masterpieces in the art photography world, and continues to receive great respect from not only photographers in the same industry but also designers and creators. This book is a collection of works published in 1999 that summarizes Sudek's career. A 405-page book that introduces the history of activities from the beginning of the 20th century to the 1970s before his death in detail through texts (English) and plates.
<Related Artists> Josef Sudek
<Condition> Good.