Donald Judd Spaces

Donald Judd

¥33,000(¥30,000 + tax)

Publisher/Judd Foundation

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/412   Size/230*300*35
"Donald Judd Spaces", a collection of works by American artist Donald Judd (1928-1994), who represents the 20th century. After studying philosophy and art history at Columbia University in New York, Judd began his career as a painter in the 1950s and was also active in art criticism. In 1965, he published "Specific Objects," which discusses the relationship between works and space, and theoretically worked on production, expanding the field not only to art but also to architecture and furniture design. This book is a collection of works published in 2020, edited and composed with a focus on "space". A book that beautifully describes Judd's world view that weaves spaces such as architecture, interiors, products, etc. from New York buildings, art studios, architecture studios, and even Casa. It looks like a photo book with a lot of photo plates by Arnold Newman and Paul Katz, and the occasional portrait of Judd is also a good accent.
<Related Artists> Donald Judd
<Condition> Very good.