ファースト・ライト / First Light

小林 のりお / Norio Kobayashi



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/83   Size/290*265*13
A photo book of Japanese photographer Norio Kobayashi. Norio Kobayashi is one of Japan's leading landscape photographers and a leading figure in "new topography" represented by American photographers Robert Adams and Luis Bolts. Received the New Face Award from the Photographic Society of Japan for his 1st work collection "Landscapes" published in a private edition in 1986. Landscape photographs that capture the transformation of the suburbs of Tokyo and Kanagawa, New Town, not only depict the changes of cities and times, but also create a strange world where past, present, future, and natural and man-made objects are mixed. I will continue. This book is a collection of works published in 1993 and won the 18th Kimura Ihei Award. It consists of three parts: "Transformation" taken mainly in Tama New Town, Tokyo, "Reduction" set in Okutama and Yamanashi, and "Memory / Recollection" in the Keihin industrial area of Kawasaki. A number of deep and beautiful works that seem to be a perfect harmony between the "new topographics" perspective of Boltz et al. And the "new color" elements represented by Joel Myrowitz et al. Obi missing.
<Related Artists> 小林 のりお / Norio Kobayashi築地 仁 / Hitoshi TsukijiLewis Baltz
<Condition> Good. Jacket: Small thread, obi missing, Body: Heaven / Small edge