
Guy Bourdin



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/215*250*15
A collection of photographs by French photographer Guy Bourdin. In 2016, a reprint of the long-awaited photo book "A Message for You" was released, and in 2017, the long-awaited monochrome work collection "Untouched" of the early Bourdan period was released by the German publisher Steidl. Therefore, Bourdan continues to attract attention. It is not a so-called "fashion photograph", but has an outstanding sense of composition and color, and the creativity and uniqueness of the image. Rather than making it feel old even in modern times, it even makes you feel the "newness" that is being lost in fashion. This book is a collection of monographs published by Phaidon Press that summarizes Bourdan's achievements and masterpieces in an easy-to-understand manner. A lot of rare Bourdan self-portraits and unpublished works are also recorded. Japanese version.
<Related Artists> Paolo Roversi
<Condition> Good.