アサヒカメラ 1976年・全12号 + 増刊号 / Asahi Camera All 12 issues + Special Issue 1976




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A set of 13 volumes of the photo magazine "Asahi Camera 1976, 12 issues in total + special issue" Contemporary Photographs '76 "". The biggest highlight of this year is, after all, the serial series of "Fighting Photo Theory" by Kishin Shinoyama and Takuma Nakahira, the leading photographers in Japan. With a gorgeous commercial stage as the main battlefield, Sasayama has been through orthodox photography, and Nakahira has been through anti-commercial and anti-journalism represented by Provoke. This series is a series in which Nakahira responds to Sasayama's photographs in words with a focus on critics. Nakahira, who was ill at the time, was saved by Sasayama's bright, beautiful, and legitimate photographs. It has revived the blood of the house, Takuma Nakahira. In addition, Yutaka Takanashi's masterpiece "Machi" and Kazuo Kitai's large series "To the Village", which has continued since 1974, are also recorded, and many rich works are posted, including the plate of Shin Yanagisawa who decorated the cover of each issue this year. It has been.
<Related Artists> アサヒカメラ / Asahi Cameraカメラ毎日 / Camera Mainichi
<Condition> Good with some wear and small damages.