New York

郷津 雅夫 / Masao Gozu

¥6,600(¥6,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/265*255*18
"New York" is a collection of works by Masao Gozu, who continues to work in New York as a photographer and artist. Born in Nagano Prefecture, moved to the United States after graduating from the Toyo Institute of Art and Design in 1970. Masao Gozu has been active in New York since graduating from Brooklyn Museum Art School in 1973. This book "New York" is a compilation of the "Window" series, which won the Ina Nobuo Award sponsored by Nikon, and is currently the foundation of artists for Gozu, who produces three-dimensional works. From the 70's to the 80's, this series of pictures of men and women of all ages (birds and dogs) looking out from the window from an almost horizontal angle is "a minority person standing by the window I met in downtown Manhattan, where I settled after moving to the United States. We overlapped with it, and the window was also a mirror looking at us, "says Gozu. In addition to the windows, there are also series such as "Harry's Bar" which shows the guests of the bar through the window and "246" which shows the people standing in front of the door written as 246, all of which are full of poetry. It is a work.
<Related Artists> 郷津 雅夫 / Masao Gozu