2002 ナハ・コザ

阿部 淳 / Jun Abe


Publisher/Vacuum Press

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/183*250*10
A collection of works by Japanese photographer Atsushi Abe "2002 Naha Koza". A word that Daido Moriyama said in an interview. "The street snapshots I've taken so far are meaningless unless I take overwhelming quantities. One of my ideas about snapshots is," There is no quality without quantity. There is. That is my thesis. I think one truth is that quality can only be ensured by taking quantity. " Atsushi Abe embodies this word. Since the 1980s, he has consistently stuck to street snaps, and the collection of works he has published shows his strong will to stick to the same style. This book is rare for Abe, who has many works in the Kansai region centered on Osaka, and is composed of works set in Naha and Koza in Okinawa Prefecture.
<Related Artists> 阿部 淳 / Jun Abe
<Condition> Very good.