エゴイスト 13号 / Egoiste No.13(Tome 1 & 2)



Publisher/Editions Cassini

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/303*400*45
Since its inception in 1977, the visual magazine "Egosite" has been published irregularly. A high-class magazine that is different from "Interview", which is a large tabloid and is full of subculture colors that Andy Warhol and others also worked on. Luxury brands such as Chanel, Hermès and Louis Vuitton have all produced image visuals for egoists and have been a longing for fashion magazines. Of course, there are many photographers who were fascinated by it, and a lot of people such as Helmut Newton and Paolo Roberti also participated as contributors, and Richard Avedon participated in this issue, which is the 13th issue. In addition to the commercial photos of the brands mentioned above, many portraits of celebrities such as Sharon Stone are also included.
<Related Artists> Richard Avedon
<Condition> Good. Main body: Cover Slight stain / Slight damage Heaven / Earth / Small edge Slight stain, Page edge Slight damage