Mr. Mkhize's Portrait and Other Stories from the New South Africa

Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/152   Size/160*200*13
"Mr. Mkhize's Portrait and Other Stories from the New South Africa" co-authored by Adam Bloomberg of South Africa and Oliver Chanarin of England. A duo who has shared numerous exhibitions since the 2000s. In 2003, he attracted attention with his collection of works set in minorities around the world, "Ghetto," and published in 2013, "Holy Bible," which has a huge number of photographs of irrational wars and conflicts, "AMC (Archive of). Photographs were selected from the "Modern Conflict) archive, interwoven with books that resembled the Bible, and were awarded numerous awards for their conceptual work in which the photographs correspond to the text of the text. Set in Bloomberg's hometown of South Africa, this book shows a man who worked as an immigrant worker and was initially forced to live a difficult life by apartheid, and his thoughts on racism have changed over time. This is a book that summarizes the current situation of the changing country as a whole in texts and plates through interviews with many people.
<Related Artists> Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin
<Condition> Body: Small cover thread, ground pen mark