Luigi Ghirri Vista con camera 200 Fotografie in Emilia Romagna

Luigi Ghirri

¥33,000(¥30,000 + tax)

Publisher/Federico Motta Editore

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/213   Size/280*240*15
Photobook "200 Fotografie in Emilia Romagna" by Italian photographer Luigi Ghirri. Luigi Gilli is regaining popularity both at home and abroad due to the reprint of the photo book "Kodachrome" published in 1978 and the "photo lecture" published by Misuzu Shobo. Create images through the mundane everyday life that everyone has overlooked, such as streets, architecture, interiors, landscapes, and sometimes maps, projecting the unknown world onto the known world, leaving behind many new and surprising illustrations. Gilli who came. This book is a catalog photo book published at the exhibition held in the year of death in 1992, when he died at the young age of 49. It consists of photographs of Emilia Romagna, where Gilli was born and raised and has been a valuable subject in camera work since 1980. Illustrations are recorded by category such as Sea, Spa, City, Street, Garden, Museum, Landscape. At the end of the book, there are also texts of people closely related to Gilli, such as Gianni Celati, Giovanni Chiaramonte, Arturo Carlo Quinvarre, and Claude Nori.
<Related Artists> Luigi Ghirri
<Condition> Good.