アサヒカメラ 1970年6月号 / Asahi Camera June 1970




Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/337   Size/180*258*15
Magazine "Asahi Camera June 1970 issue". Shoji Yamagishi from "Camera Mainichi" and Takayuki Komori from "Asahi Camera". Both famous and unnamed editors actively published the works of attractive photographers in the magazine, sent many photographers to the world, and built the golden age of postwar Japanese photography. It was Yamagishi who first discovered Daido Moriyama, but Komori had a close relationship with the peak of Moriyama's early days, and around 1970, "Accident" (1969) "Journey to something" (FY71) "Ground" (FY73), I was in charge of a number of annual serializations, and in this year, all the works of Moriyama decorated the cover of Asahi Camera. The works included in this issue are "Plastic".・ Space ”(Keisuke Kumakiri),“ US Army Base Gentlemen's Record ”(Ichiro Morita),“ A Lady ”(Umihiko Konishi),“ White Landscape ”(Takakazu Yokoi), etc.
<Related Artists> アサヒカメラ / Asahi Cameraカメラ毎日 / Camera Mainichi
<Condition> Body: Cover Slight thread, Slight stain, Slight stain, Slight damage, Slight rim damage