アサヒカメラ 1970年8月号 / Asahi Camera August 1970




Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/337   Size/180*258*15
The August 1970 issue of Asahi Camera, a magazine that led the rise of postwar Japanese photography, along with "Camera Mainichi" and "Nippon Camera." In 1969, the title of "Accident" was recorded, and every issue of Daido Moriyama's serialized works was recorded, but in 1970, Moriyama is in charge of all the cover photographs (all colors). The works included in the text are "Jazz" (Akira Kinoshita), "Modern Shape 8 Decorate" (Hiroki Hayashi), "One Way 2 Road / Straight" (Jun Morinaga), "Ogasawara Village Chichijima" (Hiroo Hara) , "Field of view" (Shigeharu Yokoi), "Big sports 8 heavyweight punch" (Yoshitaka Nakatani), "Photograph record 1970/8 How many people died" (Kikujiro Fukushima), "Skin" (Hiko Shimayuki) Hiko), "My Nude 7 Afternoon" (Saku Sawatari), etc.
<Related Artists> アサヒカメラ / Asahi Cameraカメラ毎日 / Camera Mainichi
<Condition> Body: Cover Slight thread, Slight stain, Slight stain, Slight damage, Slight rim damage