アサヒカメラ 1971年6月号 / Asahi Camera June 1971




Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/349   Size/180*258*15
The June 1971 issue of the photo magazine "Asahi Camera", which made a great contribution to the rise of postwar Japanese photography along with "Camera Mainichi" and "Nippon Camera". In the same year, Daido Moriyama published a series of photographs taken by traveling to Japan in each issue under the title of "Journey to Something", and this issue also publishes a plate in Chugoku and Shikoku entitled "Weekend". .. Of course, other than Moriyama, many of the works included in this issue are attractive: "6 Japanese families in me" (Eikoh Hosoe), "Kyo no Machiya" (Yoichi Midorikawa), "On the street corner, 4 Kyoto". (Ihei Kimura), "Haneda swaying in 6 Mach, the 3rd Great Country" (Fumisei Kuwahara), "Tokyo City Map 2 Koto" (Masatoshi Naito), "Photo Class 6 Women and Beauty" (Masaya Nakamura) "Hitomi of the South" (Ryuzo Kitahara), etc.
<Related Artists> アサヒカメラ / Asahi Cameraカメラ毎日 / Camera Mainichi
<Condition> Body: Cover Slightly scratched, Slightly stained, Slightly damaged Heaven, Earth, Small Slightly Stained, Slightly damaged