渋谷 続・苛つく、好きな街

渡辺 英明 / Eimei Watanabe

¥4,400(¥4,000 + tax)


Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/210*210*15
A collection of works by Japanese photographer Hideaki Watanabe (1964-2016), "Shibuya Sequel, Frustrated, Favorite Town". After graduating from the Department of Photography, Nihon University College of Art, became a freelance photographer after working as a photographer at the editorial department of Asahi Student Newspaper. Known for his works depicting urban landscapes from various perspectives, he has performed numerous exhibitions such as “Tokinon” and “Gallery Niepz” in his home ground Nakano. During his solo exhibition, subarachnoid hemorrhage Because of this, Hideaki Watanabe suddenly died at the age of 52. This book is a collection of works published in the private version in 2008, set in "Shibuya". And most of the illustrations are "graffiti" fragments. Many young people come to this Shibuya Yokocho every day every day to open this coronal wreck, and it is said that Shibuya is probably the most energy-filled city in Japan. Screams, and the contents that spell the changes of the times are depicted.
<Related Artists> 森山 大道 / Daido Moriyama
<Condition> Jacket: Slightly threaded/slightly damaged Main body: Aged