
Sophie Calle


Publisher/Editions Xavier Barral

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/178*248*13
"Because..." is a collection of works by Sophie Carle, a female artist representing France. Sophie Kal, an artist who represents works of contemporary art that creates a story-rich work that combines photographs and words and attracts viewers with a unique installation. "Sleeping people" who invites strangers to their home and captures the appearance of sleeping in a bed, "Sleeping people", "Hotel" that captures the appearance of guests while making a maid at a hotel in Venice, with the main character himself The "autobiography" series, which became a model of the novel "Liverpool", and the "double game" in which he played the protagonist himself, depict the delicate feelings of women and empathize with the insatiable curiosity and deep insight into human beings. , I continue to publish works that are sometimes confusing. This book is a compilation of Sophie Cal's masterpiece "Parce que" (because). Actually, the cloth is covered on the forehead, the phrase "Parce que" is embroidered on the cloth, and the content is spun and the image is felt by turning the cloth, but in this book, the phrase of Cause on the left and the phrase of Japanese on the right The photographic image is inserted in the bag-bound page of, and the reader is tempted by words and images.
<Related Artists> Sophie Calle
<Condition> Main body: Aged