日本カメラ1983年・全12号 / Nippon Camera All 12 issues 1983




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A set of 12 books published in 1983 by the camera magazine "Nippon Camera". This year's famous Japanese photographer Kiyoshi Suzuki, who is known for his masterpiece "Flowing songs," serializes every month from January to December under the title "gypsy wind" and is indispensable to Suzuki fans. 1 year Another highlight is the series "Walking Eyes" by Masahisa Fukase, which has been re-evaluated in recent years and has been popular in publications of works, and has been recorded in all three episodes from October to December. By the way, this series was compiled in 2004 as "hysteric Twelve". In addition, in June of this year, Shigeo Kaushizo, who is known for his genius photographer's masterpiece "Self and Others", died on June 2, at the age of 36, due to illness. The "Children's Time" that was posted was a work of art as a result. Also included is Kazumasa Suda's "Daily Life Fragments," which was also passed away in 2019. It's a 1983 record that reaffirms the charm of Japanese photography, which is different from the 1970s.
<Related Artists> アサヒカメラ / Asahi Cameraカメラ毎日 / Camera Mainichi
<Condition> Body: Cover Slight Stain, Slight Stain, Slightly Damaged Heaven, Ground, Slight Scratch, Slight Stain, Edge Damaged