"Killed by Roses (Reedited Edition)" is a photo book by Hideko Hosoe, one of Japan's leading photographers. Including its shocking death, it was filmed with Yukio Mishima, who makes its name in the Japanese literary world, and its magical visuals are widely known. The opportunity for the two to meet begins with Mishima's appointment of Hosoe for the cover of the book. Mishima was inspired by a picture of Hosoe, who took a picture of Tatsumi Hijikata, a dancer who had an exchange. After finishing the shooting of the cover, the shooting continued at the request of Hosoe (the assistant at that time was Daido Moriyama), and the first edition of this work was announced in 1963 by Kohei Sugiura. After that, in 1971, Tadanori Yokoo designed and designed the second edition of the new edition, which was published in response to strong requests from Japan and overseas. This is a book in which Hosoe's multifaceted charm was discovered once again, as Sugiura turned from the "So black" world and Yokoo's Red Blue Yellow created a psychedelic world view.