現代東京図絵 / Tokyo Modern

須田 一政 / Issei Suda


Publisher/Zen Foto Gallery

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/131   Size/208*208*15
A collection of works by Kazumasa Suda, one of Japan's leading post-war photographers, "Tokyo Modern". Although he passed away in March 2019, he continued to publish works such as "78" (Chose Commune) and "Contemporary Tokyo Picture Painting" (Zen Foto Gallery). The “Japanese” motif and the purely fun of photography continue to captivate photographers in Japan and overseas. This series consists of illustrations taken in and around Kanda, where Suda was born and raised between 1979 and 1982, and is a series of works that is an extension of "My Tokyo 100" published in 1979. Up to the previous work, including "Kazegatanden" (1978), it was a group of works in square format, which can be said to be the characteristic of Suda, but it is also worth noting that the illustrations in rectangular format are recorded here.
<Related Artists> 須田 一政 / Issei Suda
<Condition> Very good.