Reading Raymond Carver

Mary Frey


Publisher/Peperoni Books

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/238*265*15
"Reading Raymond Carver", a collection of works by American female photographer Mary Frey. Mary Frey was born in the Yonkers in northern New York in 1948. Frey was enthusiastic about seeing paintings and drawings in many museums in Manhattan, but since he was shocked by Henri Cartier-Bresson's "The Decisive Moment", he's really into the path of photography. In the 70's, he seems to have been involved in editorial and commercial work related to photography, but after acquiring MFA at Yale University, he advanced to the path of “photo education” and continued teaching for many years as a way for educators to live. .. In the 1980s, he exhibited at MoMA, etc. and received a fellowship, and it seems that his talent was highly evaluated, but Frey has been engaged in educators by moving away from the front stage. However, this book, which is a substantial first book (excluding private edition) published in 2017, was nominated for "Paris Photo Aperture Foundation's shortlist for best First Photo Book" in 2017. The name is known to the world, and Frey's success will continue to the subsequent "Real Life Dramas".
<Related Artists> Mary Frey
<Condition> Main body: Aged