天体写真集 200吋で見る星の世界




Format/ハードカバー&スリップケース   Pages/-   Size/190*260*20
A photo book of "astronomical objects" and "space" published nearly 70 years ago from now, "A starry object photo book, The World of Stars Seen by 200 Inches." Nowadays, there are many photo books that capture the beautiful starry sky and the fantastic universe, but it was a very rare book at the time. Although there are many books that convey "knowledge of the stars," few books convey the "beauty of the stars." It is this book that the author decided to publish from such emptiness. Excerpts from the preface below: "The main part of this book is the work of Mount Wilson and Paloma Observatory, the world-class 100-inch and 200-inch giant mirrors, and the 48-inch Schmidt camera that maximizes everything in the midnight when everything sleeps. It is the mystery of the vacant sky, coupled with the enthusiasm of the observers who devote their efforts and skill." The dull, coarse black and white unique to this era creates a more fantastic atmosphere, which inspires more imagination. A collection of works that are simple yet beautiful.
<Related Artists> 川田 喜久治 / Kikuji Kawada
<Condition> Case: Slightly discolored/slightly stained, Jacket: Slightly threaded body: Slight stain/smeared back, slightly discolored/slightly stained