Islands of The Blest(Second Edition)

Bryan Schutmaat & Ashlyn Davis


Publisher/Silas Finch

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/293*343*10
``Islands of The Blest (Second Edition)'' is a collaborative collection of works by American photographer Brian Stommert and writer/editor Ashlyn Davis. Stomart has been in the spotlight ever since he was awarded the Aperture Prize for his first book, Grays the Mountain Sends (2013). While continuing the lineage of the traditional American style of Walker Evans and others, his sophisticated, highly textured, contemporary style overlaps with that of Alec Soth and others, and has captivated photography fans. This is the second work following the previous work mentioned above, but the book itself was created before the previous work. Most of the illustrations were picked up from libraries, museums, foundation digital archives, etc. in the United States, and there are a total of 44 illustrations, ranging from those by famous photographers such as Dorothea Lange to anonymous ones. It consists of illustrations of the "American West" taken from the 1870s to the 1970s. This is a series of harsh histories in which unexplored and naturally rich areas were gradually changed by man-made methods, turned into mines, and then became decadent, depriving both nature and people. 2nd edition.
<Related Artists> Alec SothBryan Schutmaat
<Condition> Good.