
Lucas Foglia


Publisher/Nazraeli Press

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/250*328*20
"Frontcountry", a collection of works by American photographer Lucas Foglia. Born and raised on a small farm in the suburbs of New York, Lucas describes his thoughts on the relationship between "nature," "environmental problems," and "humans" in three books published by Nazraeli Press. It was. This is the second work following "A Natural Order" in 2012, and consists of illustrations taken in the western United States. People living in small communities engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry, and cowboys that symbolize the West. The “mining boom” that comes in front of them in a regular cycle. Mining companies create branch offices, create jobs, and mine resources while destroying nature. The naked city is abandoned and people lose their jobs. While being swayed by such economic circumstances, a wonderful collection of works that depicts the scenery of local people who keep their lives without paying attention to some people. Limited to 2,000 copies.
<Related Artists> Larry Towell
<Condition> Very good. Jacket: Small thread, Body: Small dirt