



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/135*190*10
This book is "Harry's Bar Christmas" from the "Parco Greeting Books" series published by Parco Publishing in the 1980s and 90s. It is a "gift book" made by combining illustrations and photos with poems and essays in a simple book-sized format. This book is a collection of works modeled on a bar that was now on Bowery Street in New York. Of course, the picture is Masao Gotsu. Gotsu is a New York-based contemporary artist and photographer who has continued to take photographs of downtown and Brooklyn minorities where many immigrants live, and works like "fixed-point observation" that depicts "windows" and "people" , Is known as the early masterpiece of Gotsu. Regarding them, several photo books have been published under the titles of "New York" and "In New York", and the illustrations are used in this book. Then, while spelling out the professions and dreams of the people in the picture, each one ends with the message, "Have a wonderful Christmas for everyone who has dreamed and who hasn't done it yet."
<Related Artists> 郷津 雅夫 / Masao Gozu
<Condition> Main body: Cover low discoloration, low stain heaven, ground, small amount low discoloration