A Hundred Summers, A Hundred Winters

Bertien Van Manen


Publisher/De Verbeelding

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/90   Size/240*260*10
"A Hundred Summers, A Hundred Winters" by Dutch female photographer Bertian van Manen. Berthien van Mannen started his career as a fashion photographer after he was 30 years old. Not many publications have been published due to many long-standing projects, but in recent years MACK's London-based publisher has published a series of photo books, which has been re-appraised worldwide. This book is a masterpiece that made the name of Van Mannen known to the world, and is a book composed of works that capture Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Although the living environment is different for bright people, dark people, fun people, sad people, and people, there are certainly people's footprints, people's future, and many works that make you hear such a voice. A masterpiece of a human documentary work in which people's real lives and daily lives are vividly illustrated through a unified illustration in a pale tone that symbolizes the historical background of the time. First edition. (Posted in Parr & Badger Vol.Ⅱ)
<Related Artists> Bertien Van Manen
<Condition> Good.