ハワイ / Hawaii

森山 大道 / Daido Moriyama



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/225*300*38
Daido Moriyama, whose works have been widely featured overseas in recent years, is prominent in overseas exhibitions such as the Cartier Foundation Museum of Contemporary Art in Paris and Tate Modern in London. Moriyama continues to work energetically with the same stance as the exhibition and publication of photobooks, but this book "Hawaii" is based on a Monday company that has compiled various cities (Shinjuku, Osaka, New York, Buenos Aires, etc.) One volume of. "I still don't know why it was Hawaii, why I wanted to copy Hawaii, and I still don't know it. Somewhere in my flow of consciousness, a thread of memory invites to the islands of Hawaii. I think it was a connected place. For me, I think it was a prepared place "(from the publisher). When I look at the snaps in the city of Moriyama, I feel a sense of incongruity with Hawaii (the image of a healthy tourist destination with abundant nature), but I will cut out Hawaiian fragments with the constant sense of stray dogs. It is a record of Hawaii that I visited five times from 2004 to 2007.
<Related Artists> 森山 大道 / Daido Moriyama
<Condition> Good.