Lux et Nox(2008)

Bill Henson


Publisher/Thames & Hudson

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/288*428*28
"Lux et Nox (2008)", a collection of works by Australian photographer Bill Henson. Bill Henson has been energetically publishing works in recent years such as "1985", "Particle Mist" and "Kindertotenlieder" from London independent publisher "Stanley Baker" which publishes high quality photo books. The image of schoolgirls and ballet dancers, the nude of men and women, the snap of the crowd, and the interior and landscape are interwoven, with a style that creates a fantastic and fascinating appearance in a somewhat dark tone, mixing reality and unreality. There are also things that are attracted to the unique view of the world. This book was published in 2008 as a new edition of a collection of works published by the now-not-known Swiss publisher Scalo in 2002. One of the masterpieces of the above-mentioned Henson's charm.
<Related Artists> Bill Henson
<Condition> Good.