Ash Wednesday, New Orleans

Alec Soth



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/183*255*3
"Ash Wednesday, New Orleans", a collection of works by Alex Sos, one of America's leading photographers. Known as the next-generation photographer of Magnum Photo, Sos has gained worldwide attention as a leading figure in the current photography world. The style, which inherits the good old tradition and fuses the contemporary sensibilities brilliantly, has been highly evaluated regardless of age or sex, and the works to be presented are always popular. This book is a collection of works published by Super Lab in 2010. It consists of illustrations taken when visiting the famous New Orleans carnival "Mardi Gras". At first, spending time watching TV alone in a hotel, depicting self-portraits and TV copies. After that, he went out into the city and recorded a series of the devastated city in the camera, and at the end was the Ash Wednesday ritual, recording the portraits of people who colored the forehead with ash (a masterpiece of Sos's portrait "Adelyn" is also included). Limited to 500 copies.
<Related Artists> Alec Soth
<Condition> Very good.