ブルーインパルスファイナル写真集 / Blue Impulse Final Photo-Essay

高倉 清雄 / Kiyoo Takakura



Format/ハードカバー&スリップケース   Pages/159   Size/220*310*20
This book is a collection of works based on the aerobatic flight team "Blue Impulse" belonging to the JASDF, and is a documentary that spells out a drama before the first aircraft "F-86F" retired in 1981. The photographer was Kiyoshi Takakura, a photographer based in Shizuoka. Blue Impulse, who performed an unprecedented "drawing the Olympics" exhibition flight at the "Tokyo Olympics", was conducting a flight exercise at Hamamatsu Kita Base of the Air Self-Defense Force at that time, and Takakura who saw the exercise said, "This is the sky art. It's an issue that I'll work on over my life. "Since then, I went to Okinawa not only in Hamamatsu, but also in Aichi, and continued to capture the flight exercises on the camera. This book is not only a recording of so-called "records of flight", it is fascinating that the artistic beauty of the airplane flying in the sky is edited beautifully while interlacing black and white colors. People who are attracted to are also shown. The editor was responsible for the photographer and the Hayashi Tadahiko Prize-winning author, Nakahisa Kimura, who played a leading role in photography in Shizuoka Prefecture.
<Related Artists> 青木 勝 / Katsu Aoki
<Condition> Case: Small thread / small scratch / small stain / small damage, body: small cover