Symphony その森の子供(Softcover)

ホンマ タカシ / Takashi Homma


Publisher/Case Publishing

Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/258*328*25
Japanese photographer Takashi Homma's photo book "Symphony The Children in the Forest (Softcover)". Joined the advertising company Light Publicity while enrolled at the Nihon University College of Art (since Kishin Shinoyama while enrolled at the university). Active in the fashion magazine "id" since the 1990s, won the 24th Kimura Ihei Photo Award in the photo book "TOKYO SUBURBIA Tokyo Suburb" published in 1999, and continues to vigorously publish works since 2000 Japan's leading photographer Takashi Homma. This book is a refurbished version of the series "Mushrooms from the Forest", which was taken in Fukushima Forest immediately after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. The collection and shipment of "mushrooms", whose characteristics are easily absorbed by the scattering of radioactive materials, have been restricted. Homma listens to their hearts and captures the shimmering mushrooms in the camera. The refurbished version depicts not only Fukushima, but also Chernobyl and the affected Scandinavian forest, depicting the "symphony" played by the mushrooms damaged by the accident. Limited to 500 copies, soft cover version.
<Related Artists> ホンマ タカシ / Takashi Homma
<Condition> Body: Very good.