ワイルド・スタイルで行こう A Message from New York Ghetto South Bronx

カズ 葛井 / Kazu Kuzui



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/95   Size/183*258*10
This book is a collection of works that was published in 1983 when the hip-hop culture movie "Wild Style" was released in Japan on the stage of South Broncos in New York, and was published by movie producer Kaz Kuzui. . "Wild Style" is a book about graffiti art, breakdance, rap music, and a lively “hip hop” voice made up of savvy DJs, with blacks and Puerto Ricans replacing the knife. Having a spray and expressing it as a dance instead of showing violence, we are telling the world that began to describe their energy and heart in a new style. It is a movie that made the culture of "hip hop" world famous, and it is said that many artists were also influenced. This book is a book that introduces the real voices of Broncos youths and the works through illustrations and texts, and is also a valuable art book that conveys the actual state of "Wild Style" at the time.
<Condition> Body: cover slightly faded / small stained / slightly damaged heaven / ground / small cracked, slightly damaged