New York -Die Explodierende Metropole-

Karol Kallay & Miroslav Holub


Publisher/Verlag Volk und Welt

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/123   Size/245*305*23
New York -Die Explodierende Metropole-, co-authored by Slovak photographer Karol Karai and Czech poet Miroslav Holp. Karol Karai was born in Chadza near the Czech border in 1926 and died in Bratislava in 2012. While studying economics at university, he devoted himself to photography before the war and worked as a photojournalist while belonging to an agency. Karai has published more than 50 books since the first book was published in 1954, but this is "New York" spelled out with the text of Miroslav Holp. Many are reminiscent of the image of William Klein, but they are beautiful with monochrome colors and the layout is wonderful. This book is also included in "New York in Photobooks", which introduces masterpieces of photo books based on New York.
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<Condition> Jacket: Slightly burned, Slightly stained, Slightly blurred and slightly damaged, Body: Slightly burned