Centesimi di Secondo

Fulvio Roiter


Publisher/Biblos Edizioni

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/-   Size/288*385*18
"Centesimi di Secondo", a collection of works by Italian photographer Fulvio Reuter (1926-2016). Postwar Italian photographs include the names of Luigi Gilli, famous for his work by Atelier Morandi, Franco Fontana for close-up nudity and color, and Guido Guidi, a constructive landscape. Speaking of post-war Italian photography a generation before them, Hugo Murras, who photographed the New York art scene, Paolo Monti, who was also allowed to photograph the few Morandi atelier, and this Fulvio Reuter. He is a famous photographer who received the Nadar Prize for his masterpiece “Ombrie, Terre de saint Francois” (1955). This book contains illustrations taken in Italy and Europe, Africa and South America where Reuters traveled in the 1950s and 70s.
<Related Artists> Paolo MontiLuigi Ghirri
<Condition> Slip case: missing, jacket: minor scratches, marginal minor damage main body: heaven, ground, small-mouth scorch, ground minor stains, minor seal mark