Nothing's in Vain

Emmanuelle Andrianjafy

¥3,300(¥3,000 + tax)


Format/ハードカバー   Pages/112   Size/220*285*15
Nothing's in Vain, a work by African female photographer Emmanuel Andrian Zafi. Born in Madagascar in 1983, Emmanuel worked as an electrical engineering engineer after graduating from school. This is a collection of works that have been supported and published by winning the 2017 MACK First Book Award Grand Prix. Emmanuel arrived in Dakar in 2011, the port city of Senegal, the west end of Africa where he still lives. A city that continues to flow through continuous repetition of construction, creation, and destruction. Nature and animals, animals and humans, life and death, beauty and ugliness, love and loneliness, and the chaotic expression of inevitably crowded, skillfully interwoven with color, monochrome, snap, portrait, landscape. , Edited in a modern style.
<Related Artists> Richard Mosse
<Condition> Body: little damage