Vegas and She

Stefanie Moshammer


Publisher/Fotohof Editions

Format/ハードカバー   Pages/112   Size/210*280*13
A collection of works by Austrian female photographer Stephanie Moshamar. Born in Vienna in 1988, she studied textile design since high school to become a fashion designer, but after graduating she went on to graphic design. In the photography class I attended during that training, I met a talented teacher and became fascinated by the beauty of photography, and now I am a designer and photographer. This is the first book published in 2015, one of the best books of the year that was evaluated by many stakeholders. The stage is Las Vegas (Vegas). Desire, fantasy, dream. . Moshamar is obsessed with the charms of a city of mixed thoughts and creates a story that speaks for itself (She). The motif is "stripper". Faces seven women in their early twenties to fifties and describes the emotions and identities of women who direct as desire dancers. On the other hand, a journalistic book like a fictional documentary that expresses an unreal world view through a hazy landscape and skillfully designs those contrasts and the aspects of desire and fantasy. Limited to 700 copies.
<Related Artists> Trine Sondergaard
<Condition> Body: cover small thread, edge few damage