食事 / The Banquet

荒木 経惟 / Nobuyoshi Araki



Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/-   Size/245*185*10
A photo book "The Banquet" by Nobuyoshi Araki (1940-), one of Japan's leading photographers. He started photography under the influence of his father, who was a geta craftsman and an amateur photographer. After graduating from the Department of Photographic Printing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University, he got a job at Dentsu. Aside from his work, he published his private edition "Sentimental Journey" in 1971, paved the way for a photographer, published 500 photo books to date, and succeeded in large-scale solo exhibitions at home and abroad. As the title suggests, this book is a photograph of the meal Araki ate. I made Yoko, a beloved wife who is indispensable for talking about Araki's photographs. The close-up meals in color give a fresh and grotesque yet erotic impression like Araki, and when you look at the rich menu of the meals written, you can feel the love of Yoko. The second half, which says "meal was an affair to death," became a home cooking with a life expectancy of one month, and turned into monochrome. This is a book that gives you a glimpse of the relationship between Araki and Yoko, a couple that remains in the history of Japanese photography. Obi missing. Published in Parr & Badger Vol. I.
<Related Artists> 荒木 経惟 / Nobuyoshi Araki
<Condition> Good but missing obi-band.