服膺秋田 -那珂川物語-

矢野倉 隆 / Takashi Yanokura

¥16,500(¥15,000 + tax)


Format/ソフトカバー   Pages/64   Size/183*258*10
A collection of works by a Japanese photographer, Takashi Yanokura, "Chapter Akita -Nakagawa Monogatari-". The details of Takashi Yanokura's background are unclear, but according to the biography described, she was born in Mito City, Ibaraki Prefecture in November 1957, and in November 1979, he said, `` He was Vincent Van on a balcony on a hill.・ I felt that it was Van Gogh ”and performed a solo exhibition at the independent operation gallery“ CAMP ”centered on Daido Moriyama and Keizo Kitajima. Since the latter half of the 1980's, the first book "Hitachino Shosho" (1987) has been started, and the same name has been serialized and published in "Michiko" (1988) and "Kawasho Haruka" (1989). It seems that he is also presenting a collection of works while working at the base. This is a collection of works published in 1996, composed of illustrations taken on the stage of "Akita". The style is different from that of "Sorairo no Hana", etc. This is mainly for monochrome snaps and portraits. The focus and simplicity of the prints give the warmth and atmosphere of the prints, fascinating with the unique illustrations brought by Yanokura's diverse viewpoints and technologies.
<Related Artists> 矢野倉 隆 / Takashi Yanokura
<Condition> Good.