奈良原一高のスペイン - 約束の旅 / Ikko Narahara Photographs: The Promised Journey to Spain

奈良原 一高 / Ikko Narahara



Format/ハードカバー   Pages/253   Size/193*265*25
Ikko Narahara Photographs: The Promised Journey to Spain, a collection of works by photographer Ichitaka Narahara, who was regarded as the flagship of postwar Japan photography. In the late 2010's, since his solo exhibition "The Kingdom" at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, he has gained renewed attention both in Japan and abroad. In recent years, he has frequently published exhibitions on "Human Land" and "Memory of the Stars", as well as reprinted photo books. It has been. From documentaries set in Japan to conceptual ones shot abroad, Narahara's many styles of eclectic and intellectual style full of Japanese and Western styles still attract many people and are being re-evaluated. This book focuses on works published in the early 60's, and was published at the exhibition "Spanish Ichitaka Narahara" at the Setagaya Art Museum from 2019 to 2020. In addition to 120 illustrations selected from `` Spain Great Afternoon '' published in 1969, co-productions with Mitsuo Katsui, a designer who has collaborated with Narahara in many ways, are introduced One book with substantial content.
<Related Artists> 奈良原 一高 / Ikko Narahara
<Condition> Very good.